Stuart Thompson
Stuart specialises in helping people overcome fears and anxiety. Stuart speaks from the unique perspective of living with Brittle Bone Disease, being a full time wheelchair user and is just over 3 feet tall.
Stuart is a therapist specialising in anxiety and created a program of support called The STILL METHOD which is now delivered in 7 countries and reaching more every year. Stuart has trained and mentored over 100 coaches to deliver support in schools, businesses and organisations.
Stuart understands both personally and professionally how fear and anxiety are the things that prevent people reaching their true potential and dreams. Stuart believes in giving people no nonense actionable tools and strategies they can adopt immediately to make a difference to their lives, without having to make huge lifestyle changes.
Stuart is a therapist specialising in anxiety and created a program of support called The STILL METHOD which is now delivered in 7 countries and reaching more every year. Stuart has trained and mentored over 100 coaches to deliver support in schools, businesses and organisations.
Stuart understands both personally and professionally how fear and anxiety are the things that prevent people reaching their true potential and dreams. Stuart believes in giving people no nonense actionable tools and strategies they can adopt immediately to make a difference to their lives, without having to make huge lifestyle changes.