Ready for Anything

R4A Follow-On Support Programme
Looking after the health, resilience and wellbeing of your employees is now more important than ever before and it doesn’t stop when the R4A event is over.

Our R4A Follow-On Support Programme is unique and is designed in consultation with our clients to address their specific requirements, reinforcing the positive learnings, tips and tricks of the day.

The programme ensures that the tools and expert advice learned on the day from our speakers are embedded, long-lasting and life changing. It’s a chance for the team to learn new wellbeing tools, hear from our experts and continue their journey towards living their best life.

A monthly or bi-monthly video news desk featuring our experts is a proven way to re-engage the learnings of the day . This bespoke programme features advice on nutrition, mental, health, addiction, diversity and inclusion, peak performance, psychological safety, leadership and  resilience.

R4A Follow-On can also feature industry news, interviews with key company figures, the team, and human interest stories which will improve employee engagement and motivation by creating a sense of connection and shared experience.

Great communication and cultural competence are also part and parcel of our R4A Follow-On Support Programme. Not only is it a learning tool but it’s high energy, engaging, and human interest stories ensure that it’s a program nobody will want to miss.